Hi, after much hounding from my husband, I am agreeing to explain what this is like for me and how this has impacted my life in such a pivotal way. The bible clearly states, “No eye has seen nor ear has heard, no mind has conceived what God has prepared for those who love him” (I Co. 2:9). We were told that without a doubt Claire would not make it full term. The doctor wanted us to undergo steroid shots weekly in order to get Claire’s lungs ready for early arrival. They also wanted to run stress tests twice weekly, and stated that they would take her the first moment she showed signs of distress. We felt this was in our ultimate doctor’s hands, Jehovah Rophe, and He would take her when He was ready. He is going to do His will in both ours and our child’s life. I sit here today one week from delivery and you couldn’t find someone with a smile any bigger on their face than mine or my husbands. Certainly my mind runs wild with curiosity as to why God has allowed us to go full term, or just simply why, why, why? But ultimately that is unproductive and I remind myself I have not seen yet what God is preparing for me and my family in this situation and instantly the joy returns. Although we have no idea what we are about to embark on this following week, GOD IS FAITHFUL!
Over the past few months of pondering the bible, and just seeking to find all that God wants to show us through this experience, it has been nothing short of a privilege and an honor to carry this child. The fact that God chose my husband and me to be the humble parents that was able to help in this life being formed does nothing short of taking my breath away. There are two scriptures that have stood out to me especially since the time of her diagnosis: Jeremiah 1:5, m- “BEFORE I formed Claire in the womb, I knew her,” and Psalm 139:13-16, “For you created Claire’s inmost being; you knit Claire together in my womb. I praise you because Claire is fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that well. Claire’s frame was not hidden from You when she was made in the secret place. When Claire was woven together in the depths of the earth, Your eyes saw Claire’s unformed body. ALL the days ordained for Claire were written in Your book before one of them came to be.” Amen. It just doesn’t get much better for me.
I am so lucky to have been given this life that I have and it is built on my faith in God. Apart from my faith and Him, I can truly say, I am and have nothing. I can confidently say as for God, HIS way is perfect for me….and my family. We have been militant together and grown immeasurably and we are better people today after going through what we have faced. You will never know how much it has touched us to have the support and love shown to us as we have through those surrounding us and even by those we yet to know. Please continue to think of us and our precious Claire in the following days to come and pray that we do not rely on our own strength and abilities through this, but rather through HIS.
Over the past few months of pondering the bible, and just seeking to find all that God wants to show us through this experience, it has been nothing short of a privilege and an honor to carry this child. The fact that God chose my husband and me to be the humble parents that was able to help in this life being formed does nothing short of taking my breath away. There are two scriptures that have stood out to me especially since the time of her diagnosis: Jeremiah 1:5, m- “BEFORE I formed Claire in the womb, I knew her,” and Psalm 139:13-16, “For you created Claire’s inmost being; you knit Claire together in my womb. I praise you because Claire is fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that well. Claire’s frame was not hidden from You when she was made in the secret place. When Claire was woven together in the depths of the earth, Your eyes saw Claire’s unformed body. ALL the days ordained for Claire were written in Your book before one of them came to be.” Amen. It just doesn’t get much better for me.
I am so lucky to have been given this life that I have and it is built on my faith in God. Apart from my faith and Him, I can truly say, I am and have nothing. I can confidently say as for God, HIS way is perfect for me….and my family. We have been militant together and grown immeasurably and we are better people today after going through what we have faced. You will never know how much it has touched us to have the support and love shown to us as we have through those surrounding us and even by those we yet to know. Please continue to think of us and our precious Claire in the following days to come and pray that we do not rely on our own strength and abilities through this, but rather through HIS.
At 9:53 PM, September 27, 2006,
Anonymous said…
Our LOVE is with you as well as our FAITH and HOPE! YOUR positive outlook and wonderful attitude has been unbelievable and simply amazes all of us. YOU are very loved by all that know you and will continue to be held in our hearts, minds and prayers. Claire is a miracle! Her creation and your spirit have lifted so many of our hearts. GOD is with you always and will guide you through.
Never feel alone for you are loved.
Sandi, Chris and Grayson
At 9:38 AM, September 28, 2006,
Anonymous said…
"No eye has seen, nor ear has heard, the things that God has prepared for those who love him." Although eye has not seen Claire, nor ear heard her, I know that she has been prepared for you guys. As her name means "Bright & Clear" and I know that as it says that "the path of the righteous is as the light of dawn, it shines brighter and brighter until the full light of day." That the Lord through her will shine brightly in the midst of darkness and that you will be able to sing "this little light of mine, I'm going to let her shine, this little light of mine, I'm going to let her shine, let her shine, let her shine, let her shine!
We love you guys!
Marty, Dow, Hannah, Harrison & Holden
At 9:42 AM, September 28, 2006,
Anonymous said…
Tammy, that is so well written and so thoughtful. You guys continue to be in our prayers. I hope I never have to face such difficulty, but if it comes my way, I will draw encouragement from you two. It is inspirational and beautiful.
- Jay
At 7:48 PM, September 29, 2006,
Anonymous said…
Thank You Tammy, and thanks for sharing your web page with me. I really think that it is wonderful. I am so glad there was a picture of you guys. You look absolutely beautiful girl and I am still praying each and every day for you.
At 4:10 PM, October 01, 2006,
Anonymous said…
Hi Guys,
Just had to say hello and let you know how beautiful and special this web site is. What a wonderful thing that you will share Claire with all of us in this way, and let us all be a part of her. Your faith and strength is inspirational and I know that God has a special plan for you...he has already shown us that by the way you have approached Claire's life. We have prayed for all of you and will continue to pray. Just know that our spirits are there with you, and though we don't get to see you as often as we like, you know how much we love and care for you. Hey, God had his own plan when he "told" Richard to put the two of you together!!! His plan for you will be shown to you soon, and I know that he is looking upon two wonderful parents and knowing he picked the right people to fulfill whatever it is.
I'm so happy that we can keep in contact with you about Claire...we have shared this with the kids, and I am starting my own prayer chain for you and sharing Claire's blog...She is already a special and much loved little girl. Know that we are here for you and will do whatever you may need. Kiss that beautiful Camille for us. We love you guys so much.....Talk to you soon
Mel and Richard
At 4:59 PM, October 02, 2006,
Anonymous said…
I love you guys. My thoughts and prayers are with you each and every day.
At 10:57 AM, October 19, 2006,
Kim said…
What a wonderful testimony to God's goodness. I was touched by this post,Tammy. May the Lord greatly bless you and your family.
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